Workshops To Help Professional Development

As a part of the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) course, Level II, Niraivagam - Don Bosco Institute of Psychological Services (DBIPS) hosted a two-day workshop entitled ‘Personality Assessments and General Health’ & ‘IQ and Special Learning Disabilities (SLD)’. The workshops were held at the Deepagam Hall in The Citadel, Kilpauk, Chennai 600010 on March 10 and 11, 2018. The first day’s workshop on Personality Assessments and General Health was handled by Mr. Thaddeus Alfonso, Assistant Director of Niraivagam and attended by 22 School Counsellors, Clinical Psychologists, Psychiatrists and Research scholars. On the second day, Ms. Poornima, Psychologist took the sessions on IQ and Special Learning Disabilities. The Benet Kamet Intelligent tool was used for the Intelligent Test. The workshop was attended by 35 participants which included School Counsellors, Research Scholars, Clinical Psychologist and Remedial Teachers.
    The Citadel

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