Becchi Don Bosco has come with three more book presentations for this month

Presentation: 1 Bro. VargheseV.C. “Little Sins Means a Lot: Kicking our Bad Habits Before they kick us” Elizabeth Scalia This book sheds light on the dark areas of one’s life and reveals the small sins which one thinksas never a sin and most importantly it gives one the insight on how to overcome it. This book is very ideal for spiritual reading because before our bad habits can kick us, we can kick back the bad habits out of us.The author uses present generation language which will make this book very appealing to the young readers of today.All the chapters in this book conclude with a prayer which makes this book a real companion for our spiritual journey.

    Presentation: 2
    Bro. Vincent“Does Jesus Knows Us?: Do We Know Him?” Hans Balthasar
    TheAuthor asks how does Jesus know us and answers quite intimately - knowing our hearts, our temptations, and by taking our place. The author has simplified the Christological aspects of Jesus whom the people were expecting for long time.It is a suitable book for those who have doubts about Trinity, dual nature of Jesus especially of His human aspect, and the relationship of Jesus and Human Beings.

    Presentation: 3
    Bro. Vianney “Issues and Challenges in Religious Life” Anto Poruthur SVD

    The book is readable. It speaks about how the religious community should live their charism more radically in this world and how to live their commitment with greater visibility.The author gives greater emphasis to the moments of community prayer and meditation that helps to build healthy communion in the community and in the society. His special contribution lies in promoting a better living of our evangelical vows. As religious we are called to live our commitment more fully and surrender ourselves to the gospel values that are being challenged every day.


    Bro. Kolas Norbert F. Lohfink, S.J
    “Option For The Poor: The Basic Principle of Liberation Theology in the Light of the Bible”

    This book sustains the interest of the reader, especially in knowing more about Liberation Theology in the light of the Bible.The book would help any sincere seeker to understand better God’s special concern and love for the poor.The insights regarding the Beatitudes and the Last Judgment are quite original.This book consists ofthe lectures given by the author.

    Presentation: 2
    Bro. Oswalt Fr. Basil Cole
    “The Hidden Enemies Of The Priesthood:The Contributions Of St. Thomas Aquinas”
    This book will help priests and seminarians to introspect themselves in a faith-filled way so that they will come to know the great enemies of spirituality.Fr. Basil gives clear instructions on the seven capital sins to teach how they are to be overcome in the priestly life.This book is therefore a must-read for the clergy and for the seminarians.This book is meant to help priests and seminarians to reckon with them in a healthy and faith-filled way so that they will not be taken aback by the trials they throw their way.

    Presentation: 3
    Bro. Lourdu “Images of Holiness” Philip Sheldrake
    What is holiness? How do I understand prayer? In what areas of my life am I being challenges to conversion and change? How can I be a disciple today? These are some of the questions that the author answers in this book. They help towards introspection of oneself. For the people who find no meaning in life and spirituality, this book can be of a great help. As a book on contemporary spirituality, it is a very good resource for religious and priests, especially for the retreat preachers.

    Presentation: 1
    Bro. Nelson“Gold Tested in Fire: A New Pentecost for the Catholic Priesthood”Ronald Rolheiser
    The author gives valuable insights into the priestly ministry basing himself on Sacred Scripture and especially the letters of St. Paul, as foundation. He carefully and aptly proposes relevant images of the priest for the world of today. This is a valuable book for priests who wish to reflect on priestly ministry and for seminarians who wish to gain new ideas on the images of the ministerial priesthood.

    Bro.Christi “Consecrated Life:Challenges and opportunities”Harry Dean
    If consecrated life has to be lived genuinely then it is necessary to understand the basic values of religious life anew.The interest in spiritual life has decreased a lot especially with the religious because of the excessive influence of the worldly comforts.This book brings out the need to transform the religious life and arrive at a new awakening. It sheds light on the problems faced by the Religious today and suggests responses.

    Bro.Balasingam“Housing Heaven's Fire: The Challenge of Holiness”JohnHaughey
    This book sustains the attention of the readers as the author has written in a dialogue style as if he is directly talking to us. The author offers sharp insights into the nature of holiness and shares his personal efforts to respond to the challenge of holiness. Drawing on his extensive knowledge of Scripture, theology, philosophy, and literature, Haughey projects a prismatic view of the many facets of holiness.He explains that while holiness is a gift that we have already been given, it is also a goal that we are striving toward.

    Presentation: 1
    Bro. Leo Chalres “Twelve theological dilemmas” Gregory C. Higgins
    This book is written in a readable and lucid manner. Though the theological issues are not resolved but only clarified, the book serves as a must for all lovers of Theology, both staff and students.It is a very good resource-book for dealing with people who argue about God, religion, man and the society. It presents a fresh, impartial presentation of timeless theological questions that Christians have found puzzling, accompanied by equally differing and valid explanations for them.

    Bro.Fidel D. J. Pullinger
    “Information Technology AndCyber Space: Extra Connected Living”
    This book inspires one to know how Internet and cyberspace, both tools of 21st century, could help towards fulfilling the mandate of Jesus to proclaim the Good News. The book does give rather a convincing positive answer.The book gives a clear message to the modern reader that, though Information technology has become part of our life today, human beings have to make the choice to utilize them well or to turn them to bad use. Reading the book might convince one that using the smartphone to spread the Good News through effective and creative use of the social media invalidates responsible freedom.

    Bro. Simmon John Powell, SJ
    “Fully Human, Fully Alive:A New Life Through A New Vision”
    This book presents the need to love oneself, others and God.It helps to remove the distortions in mind and misconceptions of ideas about our life-vision. It helps one to differentiate among reality, rationality, emotions and irrationality in life.This book is recommended to those who would like a paradigm shift in their vision and to live their life to the full. Hence, it offers very helpful insights to candidates to the priesthood to be deeply human, as Don Bosco was.

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