Bringing the youth back to centre stage

Deepavali, the festival of lights, was an ideal occasion to conduct a high level meeting of INM Rectors and Leaders on the appropriate theme - Light and Harmony. Rev. Fr. K. M. Jose, the Provincial urged the Rectors and Leaders to be Good Shepherds of their flock.

    The Provincial said, “A leader should not demand respect but should earn it by the life he lives and not by just his words. Leaders should learn to be more like Jesus in exercising authority. Sometimes, there may be a need to sacrifice their own egos and ideas just for the sake of bringing about peace and harmony for the common good of the mission. A good leader takes into confidence each single member of the community, valuing their individual gifts and talents. Only then the community can grow and become a witness in the neighbourhood.” This was followed by an interactive session with the leaders, clarifying their doubts and anxieties about how to be a good Rector and effective leader.

    The same day, the members gathered together again for a sharing information on the Youth Services. All the Parish priests and the Youth Center Directors shared their views on the very important issue of the way they work with the youth in the Parishes and Youth Centers.   

    In general, it was felt that much more has to be done to bring the youth back to the centerstage of the Mission, especially in most of the parish settings. Discussion also followed on how the Salesian institutions could put into better use the various departments of the Province: Deepagam, DBICA, Niraivagam. Kalvisolai, DBYES, Vazhikatti and DBSARC.

    There was almost 100% attendance for the INM Rectors & Leaders Meeting held at the Salesian Provincial House, The Citadel, on October 18, 2017.

    The Citadel