Mega Dental and Tobacco Awareness Camp

Don Bosco College (Co-Ed) of Guezou Nagar Yelagiri Hills organized a Mega Dental and Tobacco Awareness Camp in association with Tagore Dental College and Hospital, Chennai for four day from 21st June to 24th June.
    800 students from the college and 200+ people from Yelagiri Hills benefited out of this dental awareness camp. Individually students were given counseling regarding cleanliness of dental oriented problems, oral test, scaling, filling, extraction, prosthesis and Orthodontic Treatments were given to the people. All the above given treatments are given free of cost for all those participants.
    It was organised in the college campus and also the surrounding villages of Yelagiri hills. With the blessings of Rev.Fr John Alex Rector SDB , Rev. Fr Kasi Sagaya Raj welcomed the gathering. Mrs. Chitra R Chandran Principal of Tagore Dental College and Hospital delivered the keynote address on the importance of dental camp and how to maintain the mouth clean.
    Yellagiri – Don Bosco