Rector Major with the Heartbeat of the Salesians in Chennai

The Salesian provincial house at citadel, the campus was filled with joy and energy as 550 youth radiated with enthusiasm in taking part in the event with Rector major. The youth meeting was led and organized by the province youth director Fr. John Wilson and it was hosted by the community of Rinaldi Juniorate - SIGA. Among the youth representatives there are a minimum of 25 members who are youth leaders in their own institutions. The rest of the youngsters are epresentatives from parishes, oratories and other missions where the Salesians cater to, in and round the Chennai, Pondy and Cuddalore region.

    All the youth gathered come under the banner of Don Bosco. The program was given a kick start by the Marian youth group from Perambur on ‘Reality and Expectation of the current scenario.’ It synced with the Rector Major’s letter of convocation of the 28th General Chapter (GC28), on the theme: “What kind of Salesians for the Youth of Today?”. Basing on this, a formative session for the youth leaders were organized. The session was headed by Mr. Nandha Kumar IRS who is the joint commissioner of Income Tax Department of India. Mr. Nandha Kumar inspired the youth with his dynamic talk and with his inspiring
    personal example of building oneself up in his competitive world. After a serious and awe-inspiring session, the youngsters exhibited their talents in style through the traditional cultural event. Rector Major Fr. Angel Fernandez Artime, his secretory Fr. Orazio Lopez and along with other dignitaries were welcomed and felicitated. Rector Major was felicitated by Mr. Guna who is the scout Master and the leader of Broadway Oratory, he was presented with a memento by Mrs. Renetha. The Secretory and other dignitaries on dais were also felicitated. Rector Major expressed his surprise on the number of youngsters present for the meeting. He felt that the visit started with the right note by meeting the young people. He gave four messages as Don Bosco himself would have said to them if he were to be present amidst them. They were;

    1) You are young that is enough for me to love you.
    2) I believe in you that you are good.
    3) Have healthy dreams that which build your carrier and future.
    4) I love you with all my heart.

    Rector Major then interacted with the youth. The youth interacted with the Rector Major freely and responsibly. Rector Major was very patient and answered all their queries with love and enthusiasm. After the interactions, the day came to a close with a hymn to Don Bosco.

    Education to Faith