Annual Retreat for Staff 2018: Sacred Heart College, TPT.
The Annual retreat for staff (teaching and non-teaching) was held on October 29th and 30th. The annual retreat for staff of Sacred Heart College is one of the important programmes of the College. It is considered as a privileged moment given by God to relax our mind and body and rejuvenate our inner energy. This year, the Catholic teaching staff numbering about 94 participated in the retreat animated by Fr. Rajkumar sdb, the rector of Don Bosco College, Dharmapuri.
The non-Catholic teaching staff numbering 91 were animated by Fr. Stanely Alex (cap) and the non-teaching staff numbering 53 were animated by Fr. Sundar (cap). The two days retreat went on very well to the satisfaction of all the participants. The animators gave wonderful sessions appropriate for their life. We thank the animators for their spiritual contribution.