Greetings from Don Bosco Pre-novitiate

On 7th of June 2018 the Don Bosco Pre-Novitiate at Dindigul welcomed its fourth batch of pre-novices after being shifted from Vellaikinar, Coimbatore. The pre-novices were initiated into their pre-novitiate lifeon the 11th of June in a solemn Eucharist celebrated by Fr. Anthony Joseph, the Provincial of Trichy and concelebrated by Fr. Agilan Sarprasadam, the Vice-Provincial and the Salesians of the community. This year the community comprises of eight confreres, five priests and three clerics.We have twenty-nine pre-novices, 16 for Chennai and 13 for Trichy. The main mission of the community is formation of the pre-novices. The community also offers training in English and Soft-skills through the English Academy, besides conducting evening study centers and Sunday oratories. The pre-novices are given ample opportunities to foster their human formation by means of varied activities. The pre-novices utilize every opportunity to equip themselves for the future ministry.
    Social Action