Thirty-five priests who are in their first five years of priesthood gathered at Don Bosco Youth Animation Centre, Ennore, Chennai, for two days animation on 24-25th of July. The meeting began with the Eucharistic adoration which was animated by Fr. Don Bosco, the Vice-Provincial of INM. He then presented a few cases which evoked a sincere introspection of the life of priests. In the afternoon, Fr. John Christy, the Youth Delegate of the INM Province presented the seven habits of faithful and efficient sons of Don Bosco. Fr. K.M Jose, the Provincial of INM led us into a sharing of our religious life and mission experiences. He then reminded us the need to be a true and loving disciple of Jesus Christ, who keeps alive the core identity of Salesian religious life and not the role identity.
On 25th of July, we had mass in two different groups. The morning session was animated by Fr. Stanislaus Swamikannu SDB. He presented in gist the expectations of the people towards the priests today in India. He also clarified a few queries raised the young priests. The last session was set apart for our group sharing about the expectations of the young priests from the Province and our positive contribution towards the holistic growth of the province. It was indeed memorable days for all the young priests to come together to share with one another their pastoral experiences.